GDPR, CCPA, and PECR compliant

Unlock Essential Customer Insights.

Discover easy and intuitive analytics to track every step of your users' journey. Replay sessions, gather heatmaps, and more to gain a comprehensive understanding of your customers across all devices and platforms.

Tracking modes

Lightweight & advanced anonymized behaviour tracking.

We respect your data

Forever yours. You can fully delete all of it at anytime.

Private, safe & compliant

We respect all modern privacy and tracking regulations.

Visitors history

Fully anonymized history of visitors. Get to know when your visitors come back and what they are doing.

Visitor behaviour

Understand your users

Understanding your users is key to learning how to improve your website. Check each visitors path and what they are doing on your site without intruding they're privacy.

Realtime data

Realtime visitor analytics

Curious to see realtime data? You can check and how many users are online, which devices are the most popular and what pages are most accessed.

Current active countries
Used devices
Accessed pages

Heatmaps tracking

Heatmaps is a very easy to use feature to test out pages on your website and understand which parts are the most used by a collection of users on your website.

Total clicks per device
Desktop, Tablet, Mobile versioned heatmaps
Full page heatmaps
Session recording

Record & replay visitors sessions

This is simply the best way to see a visitors journey throughout your website. What they click, where they're going and what they like and do not understand. You can easily replay their sessions and see exactly what they did.

Automatically hidden private details
Mouse clicks & trails
Full journey through pages

Easy setup & integration on any website.

Copy and paste one line of code into your website.

Invite people and share access to your analytics with your team.
Goals tracking
Create custom analytics goals to track conversions with ease.
Data export
Export your data to CSV, JSON or PDF with a click of a button.
Email reports
Get email briefs of your overall website stats frequently.
Custom domains
Connect your own domain to get a custom pixel JS code link.
Custom parameters
Dynamically link variables from your website to tracked visitors.
We track 32 websites and store more than 42K pageviews.

Here's what people are saying

Andrea, Writer Magazine

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ornare ex. Vivamus eu ex non orci condimentum placerat ac ac nisi. Nam velit libero, hendrerit vitae auctor eget, congue ut ante.

George, Lorem Ipsum Founder

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent finibus vestibulum porta. Sed id eros quam. Nunc at nisi vel arcu placerat gravida.

Calvin, SAAS Lorem Owner

Praesent finibus vestibulum porta. Sed id eros quam. Proin lacinia ipsum porttitor, sollicitudin est in, ornare ex. Vivamus eu ex non orci condimentum placerat ac ac nisi. Nam velit libero, hendrerit vitae auctor eget, congue ut ante.

Choose the perfect plan for you.

Pick and get your plan based on your needs.

Nano Eyeris

7.99 79.90 0 EUR
  • 25 Websites
  • 25,000 Pageviews
    per month, per website
  • 0 days data retention for pageviews
  • 25,000 Visitors Events Tracking
    per month, per website
  • 120 Days Data Retention for Visitors Events
  • 3,000 Sessions Replays
    per month, per website
  • 30 Days Data Retention for Sessions Replays
  • 25 Websites Heatmaps
  • 25 Tracked Goals
  • 0 custom domains
  • 10% affiliate percentage
  • Monthly Email reports
  • Teams
  • No Ads
  • API access
Try for 14 days

Pro Eyeris

14.99 149.90 0 EUR
  • 50 Websites
  • 50,000 Pageviews
    per month, per website
  • 0 days data retention for pageviews
  • 50,000 Visitors Events Tracking
    per month, per website
  • 240 Days Data Retention for Visitors Events
  • 15,000 Sessions Replays
    per month, per website
  • 90 Days Data Retention for Sessions Replays
  • 50 Websites Heatmaps
  • 50 Tracked Goals
  • 0 custom domains
  • 10% affiliate percentage
  • Monthly Email reports
  • Teams
  • No Ads
  • API access
Try for 14 days

Ultra Eyeris

21.99 219.90 0 EUR
  • 100 Websites
  • 100,000 Pageviews
    per month, per website
  • 0 days data retention for pageviews
  • 100,000 Visitors Events Tracking
    per month, per website
  • 365 Days Data Retention for Visitors Events
  • 15,000 Sessions Replays
    per month, per website
  • 365 Days Data Retention for Sessions Replays
  • 100 Websites Heatmaps
  • 100 Tracked Goals
  • 0 custom domains
  • 10% affiliate percentage
  • Monthly Email reports
  • Teams
  • No Ads
  • API access
Try for 14 days

Answers for your common questions

All the FAQ section can be edited from the admin panel - languages section.

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Virtute feugiat ocurreret ad cum, pro in posse ullum adversarium, te qui stet graece antiopam. Amet omnesque indoctum ut mel, ea eam sonet saperet nostrum. Te modus delectus mel, pri populo definitionem ne, an eam hinc labitur inciderint. Novum vivendum gloriatur ex nec, ad vocibus eleifend deterruisset pro, mutat voluptaria repudiandae eum ea. Ipsum soluta cotidieque sea ut, aliquando scripserit no has, iisque impetus erroribus pro ad. Case labitur scaevola vis ut, clita meliore te eos.

Mel iusto putant feugiat et, qui alii virtute eu. Diceret corrumpit mei an. Ius ei congue iudico, ex quo delectus indoctum. Mnesarchum reprehendunt pro ex, ea vix amet maluisset, in autem omnes consectetuer eum.

Own your analytics.

Simple to understand analytics, yet highly powerful.